How to make a talisman for good luck?

At the big desire can be to make an amulet for happiness with his own hands. Certainly, each person — the creator of your own life, but other sources of happiness does not hinder anybody. Amulets, talismans will help you make the right decision, to find answers to the difficult questions of life and ensures reliable protection from the problems and bad luck. To sew them to the amulet you will need to arm yourself with an incredible faith in him and in the process of production to adhere to certain recommendations.

Amulet for good luck

What talismans bring good luck?

A source of happiness, happiness can become various objects: a stone on the shore of the sea, statue, domestic animals, jewelry (necklace, bracelet, earrings, ring), jewelry, plants and even clothing. It is possible to and make themselves at home its a special amulet that will attract luck and become a real helper for life. It is believed that the mascot is actually a-manual production has the greatest power, as the charging fluid directly to the future owner.

The connection of amulets and sectors of the zodiacal circle

To talisman for happiness with his own hands, which would have approached your sign, it is best to give preference to natural materials — wood or minerals. Wooden bar must have a flat surface on which it is necessary to give a symbol of their zodiacal sign. Pebble esotericism recommend to choose small size to make it more convenient to carry. After the application of the astrological symbol of the action of the amulet activated and is charged with energy corresponding to the element. It is worth remembering that the universal subject in the quality of the amulet for the lucky for each sign of the zodiac no. Each of the representatives of the zodiacal houses will fit your look of grass, wood or stone. So, Aries is better to buy amethyst, Virgin perfect jasper, and for the Twins a happy stone becomes a grenade. As well as other brands must use your gem:

  • Taurus — agate;
  • Lion — ruby;
  • Cancer — calcite;
  • Libra — diamond;
  • Capricorn — onyx;
  • Scorpio — opal;
  • Fish — chrysolite;
  • Sagittarius — turquoise;
  • Aquarius — sapphire.

The rules for the production of

Handwritten create an amulet for attracting luck should be carried out only with observance of certain rules. To get lucky and draw success, you need to create a guardian, stick to the following recommendations:

  • For the basics to prepare only natural materials that are pleasant tactile feelings and cause positive emotions.
  • In the process of the creation of the amulet is need to just think about the pleasant, good.
  • The finished talisman is recommended to have always at itself, and regularly taken into the hands, if it is not in contact with the skin cover.
  • In the manufacture of the amulet for luck around must adhere to the peace.

The mascot for good luck can be done using a case made of burgundy velour, which is shown in certain attributes, such as a horseshoe or a coin.


You can do a variety of talismans, for example, the bag of the burgundy velor. Into the prepared tissue capacity it is necessary to sew the drawstring, and embroidered with gold thread initials. In the middle should put a small horseshoe, stone, coins, a bundle of plants or wax. It is endowed with magical powers, and amulet, made of blocks of bars, but not wooden and soap. Such a mascot is not to take away with you, but every day my hands will be able to attract good luck into the house, and even cleanse it from evil spirits, ghost, bad thoughts. The soap is produced without added chemicals and belongs to the recipe lilac, lavender, rosemary or cinnamon.

Other possibilities of creation of amulets

Draw happiness under the force of the wax. You need to light a candle and install it in the jar. Until she burns, it is necessary to look at this and think, desires, goals and dreams. It is important to think about bad and do not keep it in my head negative thoughts, in such a case it is better to perform the ritual later. When the candle melted, it is necessary to get the solidified wax and put into a pre-stitched velour pouch.

A great way to attract luck is considered to be worn on the wrist of the skin of lace, which is necessary to bind to and parallel to verbalize specific wishes. It is important that such a bracelet away from prying eyes, so if your hands are open, then it is better to put it in your pocket or hide in the internal department of the handbags.

Proceed to the creation of the amulet is worth it on a Sunday, when luna is located in the growing stage.The best time for making an amulet that will attract good luck, is considered to be Sunday at a time of rising moon. In the morning or in the evening to do a mascot does not have a principled difference, but some of the esotericism of the opinion that a stronger wave of a magic wand, amulets, produced in the dark. The main thing is that the magical object was a charged energy of his master. For this you need to sit down and squeeze it in your hand a finished manuscript mascot, omit the eye lids and sit for about 15 minutes. After a period of time to speak the magic words: "My amulet, you I created myself, now fate is with you one! Happiness to me you bring, happiness and success to give!". Repeat three times, after which wrap the guardian in the textile segment and to give away to a secret place. Every day during the week, you get a magical object and charge it with personal energy. Later 7 days, tame active on the luck amulet is a need to start to take everywhere with you. In addition, the mascot periodically needs to recharge by solar energy, which is saturated with his power of the heavenly bodies. For this guardian keep for 2-3 days under the rays of the sun, for example on the window sill.